
HistoRacks is a non-clinical, soon to be GLP operation, contract service laboratory, currently providing high-capacity bulk histology sectioning, and room temperature storage. The HistoRacks’ team is passionate about providing high quality slides at great times. We Prioritize Quality, and Time.


Histology Microtomy

At HistoRacks, we are committed to providing you with the highest quality sectioning service in a VERY timely manner. The experienced staff at HistoRacks are experts in sectioning and will provide you with high quality slides at high capacities. We are dedicated to helping laboratories with our sectioning capabilities.

Histology Storage

Here at HistoRacks, we offer systematic room-temperature storage for products received and produced at our location (Paraffin Blocks and Slides sectioned). With our highly responsive team, we will make sure all your products are shipped ASAP whenever and wherever requested.


Pickup & Delivery

HistoRacks offers free pick up and delivery for our clients from the Denver area to Boulder in Colorado.
All other deliveries will be done through UPS.

Future Services

-Currently HistoRacks is working on acquiring the facilities to fixate and embed tissues. Due to the precision and attention needed for some complex tissues, eyes for example are sectioned best when the Histotechnician themselves embed the tissue. This is because the Histotech will know the orientation of the eye and its nerves and glands before sectioning. 

-HistoRacks soon will be acquiring GLP status.

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